One of the biggest reasons schools fail to successfully implement restorative justice - or any other innovation for that matter - is because they are not ready! This course teaches you the important aspects of school readiness and shows you how the R=MC2 readiness assessment will increase your ability to transform your school from punitive to restorative by giving you the exact information you need. If you are a school district administrator, superintendent, principal, educator, restorative justice coordinator or trainer, this course is for you!
Course Curriculum
- Lesson 1: Meet Dr. Martha Brown (0:58)
- Lesson 2: What is readiness? (2:50)
- Lesson 3: General Capacity (3:04)
- Lesson 4: RJE-Specific Capacity (2:59)
- Lesson 5: Motivation (2:06)
- Lesson 6: Real Data from A Real School (5:01)
- Lesson 7: When To Assess Readiness (5:01)
- Lesson 8: Reflection and Deeper Learning (1:36)
Hi, I’m Dr. Martha Brown, course designer and instructor.
I'm also the author of the book, "Creating Restorative Schools: Setting Your School Up to Succeed" and a consultant for schools wanting to implement restorative justice in education (RJE) with integrity. I wrote this course to help you understand how readiness impacts your implementation work and how you can use a readiness assessment to build your school's capacity for change.
To contract with RJAE Consulting to conduct your readiness assessment, email [email protected].