One of the biggest reasons schools fail to successfully implement restorative justice - or any other innovation for that matter - is because they are not ready! This course teaches you the important aspects of school readiness and shows you how the R=MC2 readiness assessment will increase your ability to transform your school from punitive to restorative by giving you the exact information you need. If you are a school district administrator, superintendent, principal, educator, restorative justice coordinator or trainer, this course is for you!

Hi, I’m Dr. Martha Brown, course designer and instructor.

I'm also the author of the book, "Creating Restorative Schools: Setting Your School Up to Succeed" and a consultant for schools wanting to implement restorative justice in education (RJE) with integrity. I wrote this course to help you understand how readiness impacts your implementation work and how you can use a readiness assessment to build your school's capacity for change.

To contract with RJAE Consulting to conduct your readiness assessment, email [email protected].

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